
目前分類:重返學園 (14)

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活廣告是一份寂寞的工作,從早到晚,在小鎮上的大街小巷遊走,坤樹很少與別人有交流,想,是他唯一打發時間的辦法。因此,《兒子的大玩偶》用了敘述方式,大量描寫主人翁的內心獨白, 讀者彷彿跟著主人翁遊走於大街小巷,看盡了人生百態,體會到主人翁如何在艱苦的日子中掙扎求存。作者同時透過坤樹的回憶,讓讀者了解他的過去和家庭背景。

作者不單細緻描述主人翁坤樹的內心思維,故事中段,坤樹與妻子阿珠吵架後的次日,作者巧妙地分別描寫了夫婦倆的內心思想, 「坤樹一路想著昨晚的事情,不覺中已經到了家門口,一股悸動把他引回到現實。」(黃春明,5) 「看到坤樹轉向往家裡走的路,她高興得有點緊張......阿珠看到他走進屋子裡的時候,流出了更多眼淚 。」(7) 同一時段,分兩部份描寫,先寫坤樹,再寫他妻子,讓讀者彷彿遊走於兩人的內心世界,真切地體會到夫妻倆吵架後的擔心與關愛。

黃春明筆下的鄉土小人物,對鄉土以及倫常親情具有的責任感, 讓他們於貧窮的困境也有勇氣掙扎求存。也就是這份責任感,自然散發出人性的尊嚴,讓主人翁在讀者心中,贏得尊敬 蔡依恬、劉冠吟)。活廣告是一份非常辛苦的工作,坤樹從開始幹這活那天,就後悔急著想找另一份工作。但每每想到就是因為有這份工作,得以保住孩子,才有現在的小龍,坤樹覺得再苦再累都可以撐下去。妻子阿珠也是,每天替人家洗衣服,賺取微薄的薪水。當她知道因為丈夫找到工作,不用將孩子打掉,她不禁喜極而泣。

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  • Apr 17 Sun 2011 08:36
  • 律詩



◎ 律詩的結構

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Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom, China in the 21st Century: What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2010)

            Thirty years ago, the People's Republic of China (PRC) rarely made it into the Western newspaper headlines. Only when something very extraordinary happened, such as when President Richard Nixon made his historic trip to Beijing, the capitol of China in 1972, will a newspaper reserve space to report news about China. Thirty years have passed, and it doesn't take much effort to discover information about China in the newspaper, because news about China is reported routinely in Western newspapers, and not just on one section, but in every section, including sports, economic, science, etc.  China has grown rapidly in the past thirty years, from a land of villages to a country with more millionaires, more cities with populations exceeding one million, more internet users and more skyscrapers than any other country. Given all of this, Jeffrey Wasserstorm believes it is essential for everyone to learn about China. China in the 21st Century, written in a question and answer format, provides general information that the author believes is what everyone needs to know. However, this book will not suit the needs of readers who want to learn more about China's history and culture in depth.

            The structure of the book contains two parts. The first part focuses on the past, while the second part focuses on the present and the future of China. Wasserstorm starts the book with an historical overview. To avoid confusing readers with the many dynasties of China's long history, Wasserstorm has selectively chosen his materials. He emphasizes the early Chinese schools of thought with a main focus on Confucianism, the political structures and major political ideas. The first part of the book ends with a look at the events and people which lead to the New China. In the second half of the book, Wasserstorm focuses on the present and the future of China. He starts with a look at some of the most significant people, policies, and events from 1978 to present. Then he moves on to discuss some misunderstandings between US and China. The book ends with some forecasts about China's future and its role in the world.

            Despite a strong authorial point of view, Wasserstorm has tried to maintain a balance by including views from different perspectives. In the chapter "Revolutions and Revolutionaries", Wasserstorm focuses on Mao, the most important leader of modern China.  Wasserstorm first mentions the view from an English-language biography--Mao: The Unknown Story.  This book written by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday, mostly provides a negative view of Mao by portraying him as a heartless monster.  Wasserstorm then explores other alternative ways to view Mao.  One is by comparing Mao with Andrew Jackson, both are far from perfect, but who nevertheless played a significant role in the development of a mass political movement.  Also, Wasserstorm talks about the views of the ordinary Chinese. Many of them view Mao as someone who no doubt had his dark side, but also had played a significant role in developing the New China and made great contribution.

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遞 交了畢業申請表代表我的研究所學生生涯已進入倒數階段,畢業後,何去何從,是近來常被問起的問題。跟同學們聊天時,大家也紛紛議論,尤其幾位要好的同學都是差不多時間畢業。




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昨天回學校遞交畢業申請表,職員溫馨地送上一句 "congraduation",感覺時間過得好快喔!好像不久前才為申請研究所忙碌奔波;第一次收到拒絕信,傷心不已,但不輕言放棄、誓死要念的決心,終於讓我成功進入。 

一把年紀,重返校園念書,發現自己比預期中用功, 過去一年多,雖然偶爾還會懶根發作,但不敢像大學時期那麼放肆,或許因為研究所的功課確實難,不能鬆懈。另外,我是比平常人更艱辛才得以進入,怎能隨便念。


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我的惡夢-- IPA (國際音標)

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Shinzi Katoh website: shinzikatoh.com

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