Using the following running order, transcribe (中文) and translate (英文) the audio feed from the link <http://www.ctitv.com.tw/newchina_video_c134v46437.html>
SOURCE LANGUAGE (transcription) |
TARGET LANGUAGE (translation) |
21:24:49 |
當年的辛亥革命 |
Chinese Revolution of 1911 revolutionaries |
希望建立的是一個民主共和國 |
were hoping to establish a democratic country. |
但是民主從來沒有在國民黨 |
However, democracy never existed during the rule of the Kuomintang (KMT), |
也就是辛亥革命當時的同盟會 |
the Revolutionary Alliance for Chinese Revolution of 1911. |
以及後來的國民黨這些人手中實踐 |
nor during the rule of the successor. |
一直等到1947年 |
It wasn't until 1947 |
1947年的時候國共內戰 |
during the Chinese Civil War that |
那個時候蔣介石為了得到 |
Chiang Kai-shek, for the purpose of |
更多民主派對他的支持 |
gaining more supporters, |
在那時刻進行了重大的妥協 |
agree to become more democratic. |
由張君勱先生起草的中華民國憲法 |
The ROC constitution was drafted by Chang Chun-mai. |
1947年12月25號正式的公告 |
It was enacted in Dec 25, 1947. |
1948年中華民國在中國大陸 |
In 1948, ROC |
舉行了第一次 |
held the first |
也是唯一一次的民主選舉 |
and the only Democratic Election in Mainland China, |
那一次的選舉選出了 |
During this election, |
立法委員跟國大代表 |
members of the Legislative Yuan and National Assembly delegates were selected. |
後來就來台灣 |
But later in Taiwan |
成為我們所稱的叫做老賊 |
people called these members "the Old Thieves" |
而那次的選舉 |
This election |
也第一次間接選舉出了 |
was also the very first |
總統跟副總統 |
presidential election. |
副總統的選舉尤其的精采 |
The election for vice-president was especially exciting. |
為大家製作辛亥革命百年的專題裡頭 |
To cover the Centennial Commemoration of the 1911 Revolution |
我們特別由文茜世界周報的 |
“Sisy's World News” |
特派記者張雅玲回到了南京 |
sent special reporter-Zhang Ya Ling to Nanjing, |
當時國民大會的現場 |
the place where the Legislative Yuan was held |
2 |
21:25:52 |
為了慶祝六月一日兒童節 |
To celebrate International Children's Day |
南京一所幼稚園的小朋友 |
children from Nanjing pre-school |
賣力地排練著表演節目 |
were practicing their performance |
3 |
CHILDREN: (actuality) |
21:26:15 |
我是爸爸的粉絲 |
"I am daddy's big fans" |
4 |
21:26:18 |
這些出生在21世紀的孩子們 |
These children were born in the 21st century. |
並不知道自己所在的這個舞台 |
They are not aware of the historical significant of the place where they are standing at. |
60多年前曾經是中華民國行憲後 |
60 years ago, after the “Constitution of the Republic of China” was published,this was the place where |
第一次選正副總統的地方 |
first presidential election was held |
那是1948年4月20日 |
That was April 20, 1948 |
國共內戰已經進入最後關頭 |
The China Civil War was coming to a critical moment |
一手掌控國民政府 |
Chiang Kai-shek, who commanded |
軍政大權的蔣介石 |
the military |
仍不出所料 |
did as expected and |
以懸殊票數擊敗同黨對手居正 |
won the election by a great landslide. |
當選中華民國行憲後第一任總統 |
He became the first ROC president. |
不過蔣屬意的副總統孫科 |
Chiang was hoping Sun Ko would be the vice-president. |
卻和自行參選的桂系將領李宗仁 |
However, the race between Sun and Li Tsung-jen |
型成拉鋸戰 |
was very close, |
緊張(intense) 的投開票過程 |
during the election. |
老一輩人直到現在還記憶深刻 |
Many of the older generation still remember it very clearly. |
5 |
ZHANG XIANWEN: (actuality) |
21:27:00 |
那個時候沒電視,選舉唱票 |
There wasn't any television at that time, so people would call out the ballot. |
李宗仁、孫科、李宗仁、孫科 |
Li Tsung-jen, Sun Ko, Li Tsung-jen, Sun Ko |
那個我們那時候叫無線電(廣播-radio) |
We had something called wireless mobile. |
那時候我在徐州唸書 |
I went to school in Xu Zhou. |
我唸了一個教會學校 |
It was a Christian school. |
在徐州唸書,借聽他們的無線電 |
While I went to school in Xu Zhou, I borrowed their wireless mobile |
就聽見「啵」李宗仁、孫科 |
and heard a sound "bo", follow by "Li Tsung-jen, Sun Ko" |
李宗仁、孫科、孫科、李宗仁 |
"Li Tsung-jen, Sun Ko, Sun Ko, Li Tsung-jen" |
報這個唱票 |
calling out their ballot. |
6 |
21:27:23 |
整整進過四輪投票 |
The election had gone through four rounds. |
孫科還是以1295票比1438票 |
Sun Ko lost the election by 1295: 1438. |
敗給了李宗仁 |
Li Tsung-jen won the election. |
結果出來以後 |
There was a rumor saying, when the result was announce, |
據說蔣介石當場把收音機一腳踹翻了 |
Chiang Kai-shek was so angry, he kicked the radio. |
一個月後的就職典禮上 |
One month later, during the inaugural ceremony, |
雙方約好穿軍服宣誓 |
Chiang and Li had agreed to wear military uniforms, |
蔣介石卻臨時換上長袍馬褂 |
however, Chiang changed his mind in the last minute. He worn a traditional Chinese long gown instead, |
讓李宗仁走在後面,像個跟班副官 |
making Li look like a servant. |
非常窩囊 |
It's was a very embarrassing moment for Li. |
7 |
(music—fade in) |
21:27:49 |
N/A |
8 |
21:27:58 |
一路見證當年那場總統大選的 |
Witnessing the first presidential election |
國民大會堂 |
The National Assembly Hall |
早已改叫人民大會堂 |
is now called the Nanjing Great Hall of the People |
這棟建築是1935年 |
It was built in 1935 |
由留學柏林的工學博士系福泉設計的 |
designed by Xi Fu Quan, a Ph.D in Engineering, who once studied in Berlin. |
結合西方現代建築的構圖與材料 |
He combined the modern Western architectural design |
又在設計中加入大量中國傳統的紋飾 |
with decorative patterns of ancient Chinese buildings. |
中西合璧,是民國時期(Republic period)最流行的 |
Merging the West and the Chinese tradition was the trend of that period. |
「新民族主義」建築風格 |
It was called "New Nationalism" architecture. |
9 |
(music—fade in) |
21:28:18 |
N/A |
10 |
21:28:22 |
不同於南京其他民國建築的恢弘形制 |
Unlike the other building of the same period, which had a very grand design, |
大會堂是小巧的,而且從外表看 |
The Assembly Hall is more delicate. When looking from outside, |
很難發現這原來是一棟地上四層 |
people don’t realize it’s actually a four story building, |
地下一層的建築 |
with a basement |
因為設計師用一排排玻璃窗 |
This is because the designer decorated the building with large glass windows. |
直貫上下兩層 |
Each window is big enough to cover two stories. |
虛實對比,另有一種趣味 |
A mix of reality and illusion. |
11 |
(music—fade in) |
21:28:40 |
N/A |
12 |
21:28:52 |
外觀設計大方簡潔 |
The exterior design of the building is very simple |
大會堂內部也不花俏 |
So is the interior. |
以現在的眼光看,恐怕還有點寒酸 |
By today's standard, people might find it rather simple in appearance. |
不過在1930年代 |
However, it was not so back in 30’s. |
這棟擁有2000多個座位 |
With seating for more than 2000 people |
冷暖空調和盥洗室等設備的建築 |
Air conditioning, heater, toilet, etc., |
可是全國最摩登的 |
It was among country’s most modern designs. |
每張椅背上 |
At the back of the every seat, |
還安裝了當時世界最先進的 |
there was the most advance design of that era, |
電子表決系統 |
an electronic voting machine. |
一個燈代表一個人,誰跑票都別想賴 |
Every light bulb represented one person's vote, a good way to keep track. |
13 |
21:29:19 |
所以代表們在大會期間 |
During the election period, |
來來去去,進進出出 |
people were in and out. |
是夠辛苦,夠忙碌的了 |
They were extremely busy. |
14 |
21:29:29 |
巧合的是,1936年5月5日 |
Is it a coincidence or not? May 5, 1936 |
國民大會堂竣工典禮的這天 |
is not only the opening ceremony for The National Assembly Hall |
竟也是「中華民國憲法草案」 |
It is also the date that the Constitution of the ROC |
難產許多年後,終於問世的日子 |
finally went into force, after went through so many difficulties. |
不過「五五憲草」 |
However, the Constitution of May 5 |
沒能帶著中華民國走向憲政時代 |
did not lead the ROC into democracy. |
一年之後抗戰爆發 |
One year later, the Second Sino-Japanese War started. |
蔣介石名正言順地 |
Because of this, Chiang Kai-shek |
繼續過他的訓政時期 |
continue his term as the President. |
15 |
ZHANG XIANWEN: (actuality) |
21:29:50 |
也是時勢造成了他的獨裁 |
This situation gave him the opportunity to act as a dictator |
抗戰的時候,權力高度集中 |
During war time, the power was be concentrated in one hand. |
戰爭的需要嘛 |
Indeed, this was necessary. |
這個黨權、軍權、財權 |
The power to control the party, the military, the finance, |
一切在一個人手裡 |
were all in one hand. |
造成他的獨裁 |
And this is what made Chiang a dictator. |
16 |
(music—fade in) |
21:30:05 |
N/A |
17 |
21:30:09 |
這段畫面 |
This scene |
是當年在國民大會堂樓頂拍攝的 |
Was shot from the top of the The National Assembly Hall. |
居高臨下,唯我獨尊的視野 |
Standing on the top, this grand view |
彷彿就是站在權利顛峰的蔣介石 |
serves as a metaphor for Chiang’s political status |
用他的眼睛看到的世界 |
seeing the world from his point of view. |
從無名小卒到中央集權的過程 |
Chiang, who once was a nobody, was now the leader of the country, |
蔣介石打敗過太多人 |
He had won over many people. |
連眾所公認的國父接班人汪精衛 |
Even Wang Jing Wei, who once was expected to be the successor to Sun Yat-sen |
也不是他的對手 |
Lost out to Chiang. |
18 |
ZHANG XIANWEN: (actuality) |
21:30:30 |
汪精衛這個人有權利慾,這肯定的 |
Even though Wang Jing Wei wanted power for sure, |
因為他和蔣不一樣,蔣也有權力慾 |
his was not the same as Chiang. Chiang wanted the power too. |
一個政治家哪能沒有權力慾是不可能的 |
There is no politician who doesn’t want power. |
但是蔣掌握槍桿子的 |
But Chiang also control the military. |
汪有一群人 |
There were many people who followed Wang, |
但是都是不讓掌握武裝的 |
how ever none of them had military authority. |
所以像這個蔣介石始終 |
For Chiang, right from the beginning |
別的位子可以讓,比方說國民政府 |
he was willing to give up position, like the Chairman of the National government. |
可以什麼譚延闓,可以什麼林森等等 |
So he was willing to let Tan Yankai and Lin Sen take over this position. |
唯獨委員長,對不起,還是我要掌握的 |
But the one position that he would never give upis the Chairperson of the MilitaryCommittee |
軍事委員會委員長,還是我要做的 |
Chiang, “ I must remain as the Chairperson of the Military Committee.” |
19 |
21:31:09 |
所以毛澤東要說,槍桿子出政權哪 |
Like Mao Zedong who once said, "power comes out of the barrel of a gun." |
汪精衛打不過蔣介石 |
After Wang lost to Chiang, |
又不甘於曲居其下 |
Wang doesn’t want to serve under Chiang, |
最後選擇投靠日本,落下千古罵名 |
so he turned to the Japanese instead, resulting in disgraced. |
可惜他死得早 |
Wang died at a very young age, |
沒能親眼看到蔣介石兵敗如山倒 |
so he did not live to see Chiang lose to the Communist |
倉皇撤退台灣的狼狽模樣 |
and how Chiang fled to Taiwan. |
畢竟,歷史會在哪個路口轉彎 |
It's strange, how history goes |
你永遠不知道 |
it's impossible to predict. |
20 |
(music—fade in) |
21:31:34 |
N/A |
21 |
21:31:38 |
至於南京國民大會堂呢 |
Today, Nanjing Great Hall of the People, |
早被歲月褪去了它的政治色彩 |
has long lost its role as a political stage. |
換上了一件藝文的衣裳 |
Now, it has become a place for art performances. |
2000多個座位的大禮堂 |
With more than 2000 seating, |
目前仍是南京最大 |
it remains the biggest hall in Najing, |
也最炙手可熱的室內表演場地 |
and the #1 place for performance. |
只是不知道,當年戰戰兢兢 |
I wonder thoseNational Representatives |
投票選總統的國大代表們 |
Who once cast their vote in this place, |
如果看到小朋友唱唱跳跳的這一幕 |
when they saw children dancing on the same stage, |
不知道心中有何感想 |
how would they feel? |
22 |
(music—fade in) |
21:32:04 |
N/A |
REFERENCE MATERIALS (Chinese Republican history):
Semi-presidentialism in Taiwan - A Shadow of the Constitution of the Weimar Republic
Chinese Civil War
2012 Taiwan Presidential Election 2012年中華民國總統選舉
Republic of China legislative election, 1948
Constitution of the Republic of China
PARALLEL TEXTS (broadcast scripts / running orders):