小組功課(一)內容: *如果隨便一個人造謠,政府高官就要出面澄清,那不累死才怪呢! Wouldn’t the government be exhausted if they have to clarify all rumors.
*挑選電腦時千萬不可貪便宜,最好選擇專業且具有信譽的廠家,品質才有保障。 Do not get petty when choosing a computer. It’s best to choose a professional and trustworthy company for quality assurance.
*「我打死了三隻蚊子。」「你好厲害!」 “I killed three mosquitos.” “Wow, that’s awesome!”
*父母親如果只是一味地強迫子女念書,反而會讓子女有反感。 If parents blindly force their children to study, it might create negative effect.
*來台一年多的威廉,剛開始學中文時曾鬧了一個小話。 William has been in Taiwan for over a year. When he first starts learning Chinese, he had made a silly mistake.
*老倪,你是小事耍聰明,大事用大智慧,沒有糊塗啊。 Lao Ni, you’re clever in trivial matters, wise in important decisions, you’re no fool.
*不論是侵入人體的外星人,還是含冤的白衣女鬼,美國下一季即將播出的影集,相信會讓許多觀眾起雞皮疙瘩。 No matter if it’s an alien body snatcher, or wrongly accused ghost, the next season of American movie will surely send chills down the spines of viewers.
*她為人忠厚老實,好不知人心險惡,因此吃虧上當的事層出不窮。 She’s honest and genuine, unaware of the sinister side of human nature. She is always being taken advantage of.
*這些過去在國外吃香喝辣,用公家經費出風頭搞活動的人物,現在翻臉不認人。 Those who were living the good life abroad, using public funds to gain fame, have now turned their backs on us.
*成龍自認風流,四處拈花惹草,卻惹來一身麻煩。 Jackie Chan considers himself as a Casanova. He plays the field, which brings him a lot of trouble.
*我最討厭那種心機很重、扭扭捏捏、變來變去、很不乾脆的人。 I hate those who are calculating, coyed manner, and unable to make up their mind. *為原文 |